

Monday, May 26, 2014

What is it like to travel on a plane?

PC is a Detroit student who will be flying to Barbados in 2014. She has some fears and concerns as a first-time traveler. She asks, "What is it like to travel on a plane?"

View of wing from an airplane window
View of wing from an airplane window

The best way for me to describe flying on a plane as the take off of an airplane is like going up in a roller coaster. The mid-flight sensation is similar to floating in water when the ride is smooth. If there is turbulence, the airplane feels like a train bumping on the tracks. The landing feels like a roller coaster going down the track.

I created this playlist of videos to help answer her question.

Please donate to Abroad For A Cause  to support the students from +atlantic impact  who are traveling to Barbados this summer. +atlantic impact works with Detroit students who have never traveled outside of the city of Detroit. +atlantic impact's mission: "Atlantic Impact increases opportunity in persistently low-achieving schools by using history, community engagement, and international travel. Through experiential learning and student-led opportunities, youth develop college-ready skills that empower them to become the next generation of urban innovators."

Click here to donate Fundraising Websites - Crowdrise

Click here to donate   Fundraising Websites - Crowdrise

Thanks for your support!