

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Adieu to The Skychi Travel Guide Radio Show

Urban Broadcast Media Staff
Urban Broadcast Media Staff

In June 2014, I launched an experiment of sorts. I attempted to merge a youtube broadcast with an internet radio show at +Urban Broadcast Media . My first show was a crash and burn as my inexperience surfaced as a radio show host. There were also technical difficulties with the hangout and phone system. My second radio show went a little better. My the third month I had gotten my sea legs underneath me so to speak. Alas, I have decided not to continue the radio show but to focus on the youtube live broadcast. My true passion is for video as it my makes my heart sing to produce it.

Fun Times with UBM Production Team
Fun Times with UBM Production Team

My heart was touched when a friend told me he was planning a trip to Germany and was listening to the podcasts of my radio show to prepare for his Frankfurt jaunt. Unfortunately, I had to share with him that I no longer producing the show. However you can still subscribe, watch and listen to +The Skychi Travel Guide Live on youtube here.

Thanks to UBM Founder Rev. Dr. Finney

You watch a collection of the past radio shows below on the youtube player below.

Don't forget to subscribe to the NEW Skychi Travel Guide Live. Ciao!