

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DuSable Museum Presents An Evening with Jazz Great Kahil El Zabar


"One of the most important figures

of the Twentieth Century"

by George Lucas


The Mystery of Kahil El Zabar
by Director Dwayne-Johnson Cochran
Produced by Angela Bassett and Courtney Vance

Be Known is a feature documentary that explores the life and career of one of modern jazz's best kept secrets: Kahil El'Zabar. The film is filled with darkly comic overtones, the film tells the story of a rare artist's trials and tribulations through the eyes of filmmaker and friend, Dwayne Johnson-Cochran. Be Known takes you on a journey to see the other side of genius; the mysterious intersections of creativity and individuality in a world where brand- ing and sameness are the norm. It is in this world, El'Zabar shines. He is a beacon of internal fortitude, ingenuity, and innovation. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

740 East 56th Place

Chicago, IL 60637


7:00PM  - Viewing of "Be KnownA documentary that explores the life and career of  jazz multi-instrumentalist and composer.  - Kahil El Zabar

9:00 PM - Performance by The Ethnic Heritage Ensemble featuring Kahil El Zabar, Corey Wilkes, Ernest Dawkins

Admission: DuSable Museum Members – $10.00

General Admission – $15.00

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