

Monday, September 30, 2013

Broadcast of Social Media Week Chicago: Turn It Up! How to put the excitement of tour...

Google Hangout On Air Live Broadcast of Social Media Chicago:
Turn It Up! How to put the excitement of tourism into social media?

Due to technical difficulties we were unable to have dual audio with audience in Huron Room of Tribune Tower at Social Media Week Chicago.There was a last  minute change
to the panel lineup. +Aminah Hanan of  Blogging While, +Greg Gross of I am Black and I Travel, +Janice Temple of The Skychi Travel Guide did not have audio to participate in the panel discussion.
We began to utilize the chat function of the Google Hangout On Air Broadcast to communicate the questions.

+Michael Bennett - Moderator
Bennett Global Entertainment

+Janel Martinez - Panelist
Black Enterprise Magazine
Technology Producer

+Christen Rochon
Divas and Dorks

My apologies to the our audience who looked for our Livestream event. There was a hiccup with the camera man and our livestream event did not air. Many thanks to our room manager Sydny Layne and   +BTB Black Travel Bloggers. Thank you to our audience for coming and  who participated in the chat by asking questions. Our feedback from some audience members was positive to their engagement in the chat portion of the Google Hangout On Air.

Social Media Week Chicago Truly Engaging Open Conversations & Connecting People

Social Media Week Chicago Truly Engaging Open Conversations & Connecting People