

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Buddy Passes Text Request From Faux Facebook Friends

Maybe it is the summer travel season or my social media postings of blog posts and photos of my travels; the number of requests for my buddy passes has increased significantly.

Yesterday, on a flight attendant thread someone posted a random text request for buddy passes from a complete stranger. It appears Facebook faux friends are targeting travel industry personnel to access travel benefits.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

This is not an emergency. This is someone planned this trip based on buddy passes. The normal way to plan a trip is to buy the airline ticket before booking the hotel.

The fight attendants are on to the people who we have not spoken to for ten years and call us out of the blue asking for buddy passes. This happens to us on a regular basis. Frankly, we are tired of it.
We can tell when someone wants something from us.

We truly dislike family (fifth cousin removed) and new found best friends connecting with us just to ask for passes.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

However, this reaches a new level when random strangers are targeting flight attendants on Facebook to send a friend request. Then they access their phone number to send a buddy pass text

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

This conversation sums up exactly
how we feel. You think they get the hint. No, they don't understand the message.

These buddy pass seekers move on to the next person on the list.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

This person starts with "lol, here goes"
because they know this is a crap shoot.
They don't even take themselves seriously.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

Another flight attendant aptly sums it up, "This is not, ok!"

Whomever. Is doing this. STOP IT! 
I don't know how you found us, but what  you are doing is annoying. We are making jokes about you and your texts, but you are also pissing people off.

Flight attendants need their beauty rest, do not disturb them with text messages for buddy passes. You do not have permission to contact us in this manner.

Hint: If you have a flight attendant who has graciously given you a buddy pass, that is a secret. Please do not broadcast it to the world, because you help create situations like these. 

You want buddy passes, airline are hiring. Join us, then you can have everyone hounding you for buddy passes.

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