

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Preserving the Legacy of the Black Mecca Museum

Blair Newby of the Chatham-Kent Black Mecca Museum
Blair Newby of the Chatham-Kent Black Mecca Museum

During a recent journey on the Underground Railroad in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada I was impressed with young historian Blair Newby, Executive Director of the Black Mecca Museum.

Blair Newby is continuing the tradition of passing down the stories of the freed slaves who settled in Chatham to escape the slavery laws in the U.S. 

Youth listen to other young people, it is crucially important to support a young woman as Blair Newby who has the capability to motivate the younger generation. She can spark other young people with a desire and a thirst to learn about the rich cultural history of Chatham-Kent.

Blair Newby is the first cousin to Artis Lane, a famous Chatham sculptor who has been commissioned by Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan and many other celebrities.  Artis Lane has sculpted the Sojourner Truth bust located in Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Building. In Washington D.C. 

The existence of the Black Mecca Museum and its funding are critical to preserving the legacy of Chatham's role and historical significance in the Underground Railroad.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Revamped Black Atlas Celebrating Travel and Community

Black Atlas
Black Atlas Replaces Standalone Microsite

FORT WORTH, Texas – American Airlines has launched, an African-American site that replaces the standalone microsite This site is an example of the airline’s ongoing focus to actively engage its diverse customers through the company’s largest owned communication channel,

With the new, customers will learn about American’s commitment to support different communities in which the company does business, whether it’s through unique products and services or extensive partnerships with key national African-American advocacy organizations. Other relevant sections of the site include “In Our Community,” “Inspired Service,” “Upcoming Events” and “Cultural Destinations.”

Black Atlas Diversity Programs
Black Atlas Diversity Programs

I am overjoyed to have the new Black Atlas continue under the leadership of U. S, Airways management team. Those of us that followed Black Atlas travel stories felt we had lost a Black travel legacy. American Airlines had created the first social media site for Black travelers to connect and share stories.

This new Black Atlas promotes the connection of Black Community relationships that American Airlines has established over the years. American is a proud supporter of the UNCF (United Negro College Fund), and Urban League.

For over 35 years, American is proud to partner with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) to help today's students become tomorrow's leaders. As part of American Airlines Kids In NeedSM program, theAA/UNCF gift card allows deserving students to obtain a quality education. For every $50 you spend, we will donate $5 to assist UNCF to help more than 60,000 students pursue their dreams.
Black Atlas and Community
Black Atlas and Community

Join American Airlines, official airline sponsor, at the 2013 National Urban League Conference, July 24-27, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The four-day conference brings newsmakers, policy-makers, and business and community leaders from across the country with exciting sessions and numerous opportunities for professional development and networking.

What do you think about the New Black Atlas website compared to the old one?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Buddy Passes Text Request From Faux Facebook Friends

Maybe it is the summer travel season or my social media postings of blog posts and photos of my travels; the number of requests for my buddy passes has increased significantly.

Yesterday, on a flight attendant thread someone posted a random text request for buddy passes from a complete stranger. It appears Facebook faux friends are targeting travel industry personnel to access travel benefits.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

This is not an emergency. This is someone planned this trip based on buddy passes. The normal way to plan a trip is to buy the airline ticket before booking the hotel.

The fight attendants are on to the people who we have not spoken to for ten years and call us out of the blue asking for buddy passes. This happens to us on a regular basis. Frankly, we are tired of it.
We can tell when someone wants something from us.

We truly dislike family (fifth cousin removed) and new found best friends connecting with us just to ask for passes.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

However, this reaches a new level when random strangers are targeting flight attendants on Facebook to send a friend request. Then they access their phone number to send a buddy pass text

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

This conversation sums up exactly
how we feel. You think they get the hint. No, they don't understand the message.

These buddy pass seekers move on to the next person on the list.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

This person starts with "lol, here goes"
because they know this is a crap shoot.
They don't even take themselves seriously.

Buddy Pass Text Request
Buddy Pass Text Request

Another flight attendant aptly sums it up, "This is not, ok!"

Whomever. Is doing this. STOP IT! 
I don't know how you found us, but what  you are doing is annoying. We are making jokes about you and your texts, but you are also pissing people off.

Flight attendants need their beauty rest, do not disturb them with text messages for buddy passes. You do not have permission to contact us in this manner.

Hint: If you have a flight attendant who has graciously given you a buddy pass, that is a secret. Please do not broadcast it to the world, because you help create situations like these. 

You want buddy passes, airline are hiring. Join us, then you can have everyone hounding you for buddy passes.

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